Thursday, 28 June 2012

Australian Vaccination Network Seminars

Morning all.

That evil hag Meryl Dorey's at it again, trying to spread her pro-infectious disease, child killing agenda around Australia. This time she's organised a bunch of seminars throughout Central / Western New South Wales in August, mainly at ex-services clubs, where she and some cockend called Greg Beattie (Author of a probably self-published bound together collection of used fucking bog roll entitled "Vaccination, why I'm full of shit" or something - can't be bothered to look up the actual title right now) will bang on for bloody ages about the evils of TEH VACCINES - OH NOES!! Oh - and she's going to charge you fifteen Australian Dollars for the privilege of hearing her fucking whiny, nasal tones for god knows how long.

Now, you and I can laugh at the idea. We all know how fucking wrong and evil Meryl Dorey is. We know she tried to get hold of the medical records of a deceased child just so she could try and show that the child didn't die of pertussis. She's just fucking evil. But for those A$, there may be some nervous, new parents who might just take her message on board. And every parent who does, and so doesn't vaccinate their child, is endangering that child, and all those around him or her.

So, as a public service, here's a list of the places that "That Meryl" will be speaking at in August. There's plenty of time for these sensible clubs and event venues to cancel the booking, perhaps on the basis that she's fucking evil, so should you, my loyal reader, fancy perhaps dropping them a polite email, explaining that Meryl Dorey and her organisation of one is fucking evil, and how she'd like to see children around the world drop dead or become brain damaged due to preventable illnesses - and also possibly how the AVN has some very questionable financial practices (has anyone ever seen a copy of Living Wisdom - or is it just vapourware?) then that might just help.

Here's the itinerary:


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Carol said...

Thanks Becky. To add insult to Dorey spreading her propaganda in the Returned Services League clubs, she has recently denigrated serving members and former serving members of the Australian Defence Force.

These RSL clubs where she's taking her Caravan of Geographical Derpitude were built for returned service men, women and their family to receive support. It was began after WWI as many returned soldiers had horrific injuries and had contracted diseases which are now vaccine preventable.

I find it totally abhorrent that this liar is allowed to have a platform to spread her lies in buildings which were set up to assist the very people she has lied about.

(Ex-RAAF, sibling retired Army Colonel, relative of Captain Clarence S Jeffries VC who is buried in Tyne Cot Cemetery Belguim.)

Carol said...

Ms Dorey has now been alerted to your blog, Becky. Here's the link to the post with what she has to say:

Yep, it's rallying the troops to attempt to counter people contacting the venues.


Rissa said...

Why has nobody told me about your blog before? You are officially my new favourite anti-anti-vax blogger. This whole blog is HILARIOUS.
Am trying to convince my hubby to visit relatives in Moree in August, so I can throw rotten fruit at Meryl......

Linda said...

Rissa - you might want to retract that statement about rotten fruit. Meryl has a habit of claiming fear for her safety and getting security guards at her talks. She is a stupid, banal, thin skinned, liar.

Middle Child said...

So you have had a previously healthy child die after vaccination? Hm! Nor a previously healthy child with excellent learning ability suddenly start to go backwards days after vaccination? Nor a child with beautifully clear skin suddenly develop eczema and then asthma a day or so after vaccination? Lucky you - Hopefully none of your children will become autistic after the jab - that woudl be a real shame.

Anonymous said...

I am an ex-Sgt of Police after 20 years in Queensland. Every SIDS mother told me their babies were healthy prior to vaccines and then deteriorated and died after. Also check slip with the vaccines. They all contain Thimersal which is Ethyl Mercury. Search Google for Calgary University study of mercury to see what it does to the brain. Also search Experimental Vaccines in youtube and get more information. With love and warm regards Chris

Middle Child said...

Good on you Chris - for thinking something in short supply these days.

Rissa said...

Linda, I certainly wouldn't really throw fruit. Or drive 7 hours to do it, for that matter. But the thought brightens a long and gloomy day with a teething infant!

Anonymous said...

Great questions Middle Child....I personally witnessed SID'S the mothers and fathers sometimes be charged by detectives for the damage done by vaccines. It was heartbreaking to see them being processed through the Ipswich Watchhouse. The vaccines are know to cause brain swelling and thats where the so called Shaken Baby Syndrome is used to send parents to jail. So cruel to do that to a grieving parent.

Linda said...

Teething infants can be quite restrictive when it comes to fruit throwing. Well, as predicted your flippant remark about fruit has made you a person of interest on the AVN FB page. Apparently they are looking at contacting your employment Rissa. That's how they roll! They have the time to do it too because they aren't actually employed themselves ;)

Linda said...

Chris Savage - did you leave the Police Service due to mental health reasons? That has to be it because what you are saying is just sick. It is offensive and soul destroying to every parent who have lost a child to SIDS. SIDS is NOT caused by vaccination. You poor excuse for a human being.

Anonymous said...

Why did all the parents tell me that their babies were healthy eating and sleeping prior to vaccination and vomiting, convulsing, not sleeping and frequently crying after and followed by death - that is where the cruelty is and then holding parents responsible is reprehensible cruelty. Telling the truth sometimes hurts but the truth must be told.

Mike said...

Chris Savage, shaking a baby to stop it crying has also been known to cause brain swelling. You are aware of that aren't you?

You are also aware that sudden infant death has been around and documented since ancient times, aren't you? Ancient times, like 2000 years before vaccines were invented. Do you have trouble explaining this to people, or do you just pretend it never happened?

Anonymous said...

Mike Please also provide a reference showing that SIDs existed prior to vaccines. Thanks.

mokey said...

Here's a link to start with, Chris, you ignoramus.


Dr. S.W. Fearn noted in a letter to Lancet his postmortem findings of two children which anticipate the current findings of SIDS."

Unknown said...

You are obviously drunk, bored, uneducated and absolutely stark raving mad to be writing this blog. don't you have anything better to do?
There is a thing called free speech, but lady you need to go and keep talking to your cats and while you are at it wash your mouth out.

Anonymous said...

That is not proof of world wide SIDS prior to vaccines.

I was there investigating SIDS and the parents who provided statements were there before and after the vaccines. They witnessed the deterioration of their baby after vaccine. Injecting Benzine, Thimersal, Squalene, Aluminium sounds like bio weapon instead.

mokey said...

Specific Journal reference for you:
Fearn SW. Sudden and unexplained death of children. Lancet. 1834;23:246.

mokey said...

Excellent tactics Chris, moving the goalposts - now where have I seen that done regularly??? coughAVNcough...

Scott said...

Chris, as a doctor who has cared for shaken babies I find your comments highly offensive. You are an incredibly poor excuse for a human being.

Anonymous said...

Testimony of witnesses who saw the deterioration of their children after vaccines will always take precedence over subjective pieces from the lancet.

mokey said...

Oh ho ho - bugger that bloody science and it's documentation, we'll take anecdotes any day..... RI-IGHT.

Anonymous said...

As a doctor you have been subjected to big pharma paid medical training and injecting Ethyl Mercury, Aluminium, Benzine, Squalene and live viruses is one of the flawed practices. I have spoken to parents who have seen their babies suffer and die from it. Experimental Vaccines in youtube is worth viewing and sledging doesn't bother me but speaks volumes about the person doing it.

Anonymous said...

Yes Mokey I do listen to parents before any paper sourced opinion. It wasn't just one baby death after vaccine that I was privy to.

Middle Child said...

I am a mother who had both children damaged - thankfully not killed directly by the MMR Vacination. They have never been the same healthy children that they were born.

I do not understand the nastiness of those posting against Chris.
It is a free country we have the right to can anyone explain to me why those who vaccinate their kids are concerned about those who don't...I mean if Vaccination works then their kids are never ever going to catch any diseases they are vaccinated against are they?

If all kids who are unnvaccinated are told to go home during an "outbreak" of measles or whatever then who is left at school with the disease...the vaccinated? that does not make sense.

Remember it is a free country and parents do have the right to decide about their own children.

I chose back in the late '70's am an so very lucky my lovely girls are alive today although very damaged.

mokey said...

Refuting unsubstantiated medical opinions from unqualified laypeople with documented medical evidence = being nasty.


Babies start smiling at 8 weeks too - maybe smiling causes SIDS.

Correlation does not equal causation - first rule of statistics, like it or not.

Anonymous said...

In USA the vaccine schedule went from 12 to 38 vaccines up to age 5. Guess what happened Autism rates increased from 1 in 2500 to 1 in 58. Each vaccine has up to 75 micrograms of Ethyl Mercury. Multiply that and it's no wonder Autism rates are skyrocketing.

Scott said...

Middle Child, Chris is advocating for people who have shaken babies to such an extent they have caused fractures to arms, legs and ribs, subdural haemorrhages, retinal haemorrhages and severe and permanent brain damage. You don't see how that might make some people angry. The unfounded, unsupported nonsense he is polluting the Internet with is some of the most vile, offensive clap trap I have ever had the displeasure of reading. You might be upset by the bloggers naughty words but it has nothing on the rancid nonsense this vile human being is spouting. I am angry. Very angry.

Anonymous said...

Scott I have seen some cases where child abuse is an issue. Nothing I have said condones that conduct. Vaccines are known to cause inflammation and swelling of the brain. Obviously if swelling occurs so does subdural haemorrhages. When first responders perform first aid bruising and fractures do occur. Blaming parents in many cases is misdirected. As I said during investigations mothers and fathers explained the health deterioration after vaccines. As previously noted your sledging and anger speaks more about the person doing it.

Scott said...

Middle Child and Chris, for people who claimed to have done their research you seem to be pedalling the same tired old refuted anti vaxxs arguments. Chris, there is no mercury in the Australian childhood vaccination schedule. Middle Child, it's not all about you and your child, nor me and my child. It's about everyone. That's why it's called Public Health. And while its an individual decision people shouldn't be making that decision based on made up "information" from someone earning $250k a year peddling "memberships", a barely existent magazine and launching emergency funds which never reach its benefactors.

mokey said...

How do explain the continued rise in autism rates when the thimerosal hasn't been used in childhood vaccines since 2000, Chris?

If thimerosal was implicated in autism, you would expect a significant drop in cases after its removal. Instead the opposite is true – autism rates continue to rise.

Anonymous said...

They didn't take it out mate. Still there and anyway it's Ethy Mercury not Mercury.

Scott said...

Chris, obviously you don't know what you are talking about. Brain swelling does not cause subdurals. The pattern of fractures in shaken baby are quite specific and do not bare resemblance to injuries from resuscitative measures. Please stop. What you say is quite intolerable. I have every right to be angry about it. Seek help.

Scott said...

So they just said they took it out but they really didnt? Again Chris, please seek help.

Middle Child said...

I am not stupid Scott. I have read widely and personally experienced. Have you read about mr Yurko who was imprisoned in the USA for Shaken baby syndrome - spent a few years in jail till he was released after it was proven the side effects of vaccinations on the collagen connecting his baby's ribs to the sternum...luckily tw very brave doctors testified on his behalf and he was freed...this is more common than you would imagine and justice was served. see

One of the doctors was dr Archie Kalokerinos an Aussie doc with good credentials..the other a US doc who died a few months after my husband was killed - he was an amazing man. You can check up on all of this it happened...and has been recorded.

Anonymous said...

If the brain swells sufficiently it contacts the side of the skull and the subdural injury takes place.

Scott said...

No it doesn't. The person cones.

Scott said...

I have not called you stupid Middle Child and I am aware of cases of which you speak. I have no doubt you have read, though as you frequent the AVN site I doubt you have read widely, nor read anything of any credibility.

Anonymous said...

Check out the following website with an open mind.

Middle Child said...

So according to some of you it matters not a jot the sicknesses of my children, nor the death of a close friend's baby the night of her vaccination, nor the fact of my sister's asthma/eczema soon after her vaccination...if it is for the "common good" nothing would do well in George Orwell's "1984" where the "common good" ruled...its an evil we can do without where the individual matters not a jot as long as the brain damaged think the common good is being served.

Scott said...

I don't see anyone saying that Middle Child, though I doubt any of those things were caused by vaccination.

Chris, that link spouts Tenpenny, Blaylock, Big Pharma mind control and eugenics. You need to lay off that stuff, it will rot your brain.

Middle Child said...

Why Scott? Why? I am old enough to see the connections. I am old enough to see the changes...the sickening of our children...the health they don't have in general...I don't need to worry about what you believe...because I know and I have researched for decades...
Its not about who is the cleverest...who out duels the other..its about what has happened and who has been injured...and those of us at the coal face know.

Middle Child said...

I just noticed Scott you have only been online here since June 2012...was that in early June or Just! You don't happen to work for anybody in "health" areas do you???


Scott said...

Researched for decades? What lab? What uni? Sorry but reading dribble online isn't research. You've simply sought out rubbish which sits with your ideals. It's called confirmation bias. Not research, sorry. Meryl Dorey and her ilk make very comfortable livings peddling stuff to people like you. Go off, do a degree and get some post graduate qualifications, then come back and tell me what your research turned up.

Scott said...

I stated in my first post that I am a doctor Middle Child. This is the reason I am passionate about this area. I have seen children die or suffer permanent disability from VPDs and I have seen many a shaken baby.

What is your point?

Anonymous said...

Yes and the medical sciences degree are from a university with mainstream nonsense about how vaccines cured polio (they simply changed the diagnosis to menigitis) and funded by big pharma. No thanks I prefer truth.

Anonymous said...

Yes Scott you have seen many shaken babies because you are causing them with your vaccines and then blaming parents.

Scott said...

Once again you show that you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about Chris. Polio causes a lower motor neurone syndrome and paralysis. Meningitis causes cerebral edema, sepsis and rapid death. They are nothing alike. Just because two diseases involve the brain does not make them the same think. You are embarrassing yourself.

Scott said...

With comments like that I'm not sure how you sleep at night Chris. I cannot put into words how little regard I have for you.

Anonymous said...

sorry Encephalitis

Scott said...

Seek help Chris, seek help.

Anonymous said...

Mate I sleep well. No problems at all. Your sledging doesn't bother me. Neither does your belittling or stated care factor. Hey why don't you test the goodness of all the vaccines and give yourself a few at once and then post how you feel instead of doing it to babies.

Scott said...

Again, completely different diseases. One involves the spinal motor neurone, the other the cerebrum. There are more than 3 infectious diseases of the brain Chris.

Scott said...

I am fully vaccinated Chris including the pertussis booster and fluvax this year. I am the picture of health and I am not your mate.

Middle Child said...

Can tell you are fully vaccinated Scott tee hee!!
haven't had a freakin one for 40 years and the apex of health here - hope you are doing okay too?

Anonymous said...

Good night mate.

Middle Child said...

Am like Chris..time for beddie byes

Scott said...

Good night and good health to you both.

Unknown said...

@ Scott: Sorry, but you are incorrect. There is still mercury in childhood vaccines here in Australia...

Anonymous said...

Straight from Bill Gates mouth that vaccines are part of a population reduction measure.

Scott said...

Thankyou for that article Unknown it was quite interesting and a good example of the ongoing quality reassurance from independent researchers such as universities and government. Subsequent to that that particular Infanrix was relabeled to indicate trace amounts of thimerosal may be present and a thimerosal free version was released. The current childhood schedule is thimerosal free.

Chris I thought that you were going to bed. You have completely misunderstood what Mr Gates was saying. I suggest you go back to the original source and read what he said in context rather than spouting some rehashed, anti-vaxx, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy interpretation of it.

Linda said...

Middle Child - I feel so sorry for you. You have spent all these years beating yourself up for your perceived damaged done to your children by the vaccines that you allowed them to be given. It is not your fault. It was not the vaccines. More than likely,whatever is wrong with them was genetic or possibly environmental. It was always going to happen.

If despite what I have said above, you still believe it was the vaccines, would you mind telling me roughly how much you were paid in compensation for their alleged injuries?

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates cited vaccines and fertility controls to reduce populations. The commonsense interpretation is clear. Your at it again...sledging. Hmmm...why can't you all be civil in this debate.

Middle Child said...

Linda, no need for such nastiness. My girls are in their thirties now and fully aware. I don't beat myself up about it because there was no way I could have known as we were never given any information prior to vaccination as we are legally meant to be given now...not that that happens often. They are supposed to warn you that if your child has been sick its better to wait till they are well before vaccination.

it is a free country and if I choose not to be vaccinated it shouldn't concern you because if you are vaccinated then nothing I have can harm you...

a point I have wondered about...if when there is an outbreak of a disease and all the unvaccinated kids are sent home - who then at school has the disease?

Re compensation that is disgusting - try suing a doctor or Pharmaceutical company for anything - and you will feel the weight of them against you.

I just got on with our lives and ensured the girls had good clean water and food and the best of care and luckily the damage was not serious unlike my friend who lost her baby the day of vaccination.

There was no internet in those days. There as well were only a few people speaking out and for most of us we didn't even have a notion of suing - it was the 70's - nowdays there are so many vaccinations and at younger ages.

Scott said...

Where exactly in that last post did I sledge you Chris, my remark was directed at the websites you get your information from, not you.

You left civilised the debate at the door when you over stepped the mark with your disgusting comments inferring that injuries sustained from child abuse are somehow inflicted by vaccines and that the medical profession is covering this up.

Common sense would suggest Bill Gates meant nothing of the sort. Do I have to explain it to you?

Anonymous said...

You did sledge and wasn't targeted elsewhere. My experience as a police officer interviewing parents of vaccine damaged children taught me to investigate further. The Lancet and the medical journals will not give you an objective expose of vaccines. I know vaccines cause trememdous harm anmd death from eye witnesses statements. You belittle that as well by describing it as anecdotal. Yes please give me your explanation of how Bill Gates does mean what he says.

Scott said...

Well in my years as a doctor I've seen a kid with a swollen arm and no other vaccine reactions.

As for Gates. Infant and childhood mortality rates in third world countries are high. Parents in these countries know this and realise there is a very real chance not all of their children will make it to adulthood. To increase their odds of having healthy adult children they have large families. This contributes to world population blow out as the population in these countries are largely young adults and children. To combat this problem we need to reduce infant and childhood mortality rates. Then, as in first world countries parents will more likely choose to have smaller families as it is clearly more affordable. One strategy of reducing infant and childhood mortality is a strong vaccination program.

Anonymous said...

That is pure spin doctor Scott. After you vaccinate the baby, parents takes them home and in the dark wet warm sugar saturated body disease incubation occurs. When reactions occur they end up in Emergency wards of hospitals with complications caused by vaccines. Your interpretation of Bill Gates doesn't make any sense. GATES is a fan of Eugenics. He wants to reduce the population. He cites vaccines and fertility control. Your hypothises make no sense at all.

Scott said...

I thought explaining it to you would be a waste of time. The world must be an awful place when you are so paranoid. I wish you the best of luck in your life and hope you get the help you so clearly need sometime soon.

Linda said...

Middle Child - what nastiness? I was quite sincere in my sentiments. I find it quite sad that so many parents like you (and the parents of autistic children) blame themselves for vaccinating their children and causing whatever health issues their children have. I truly believe that a lot of parents just can't face the fact that autism is most likely genetic and therefore it was "their fault" - which of course is still not correct because genes are nobody's fault. It is just nature and bad luck.

It does concern me that you are not vaccinated. I have two separate serious medical issues both of which mean that I cannot be vaccinated. I rely on you to be a responsible citizen and be vaccinated to reduce your chance of catching a vaccine preventable disease which you can then pass on to me.

You wonder who at school has the disease if all the unvaccinated children have been sent home. Well you haven't thought that out too well have you? Two answers...firstly, the first child diagnosed was unvaccinated and was at school long enough whilst infectious but not showing symptoms, to infect other children. Secondly it could well have been a vaccinated child. Any doctor or scientist will tell you that vaccines are not 100% effective. There may have been a problem with a batch of vaccines or the child that was vaccinated didn't actually gain full immunity. It happens. Vaccines are very effective but in a very minute number of cases they don't work.

Why is my mention of compensation disgusting? Clearly you never tried to take action against the doctor or the government or Big Pharma. There are plenty of law firms that work on a "no win, no fee" basis. Here is some food for thought - if people truly believed that vaccines cause autism, why has there not been a class action in this country. Has there been one that I missed? Actually - take that back to Mrs Dorey for me. Tell her that if she believes so strongly that vaccines cause autism, then I invite her to take up the challenge for a class action on behalf of all the vaccine dead and injured children that she says she represents. God knows she has enough money to launch the action.

Good luck with everything Middle Child.

Middle Child said...

Linda, re the genetics issue...
I am a geanologist and have the family history and stories, death certificates etc going back to the 1840...of most of my direct ancestors and their siblings. of those my grandparents and siblings I had direct contact...
There was no Asthma, no eczema, no CFS, no autism - there was Cardiovascular issues and out of them all only one Cancer - my husband's side had Cancer mainly. So I am aware of my genetic history.
I have five sisters - all healthy , all in their 50's. Of the generation beneath my sisters and I there is now Asthma, Eczema, CFS and other such. When checking with my sisters all babies were healthy till the first jab at 4mnths in those days.

Okay re suing - if you sue you can't expose as you are supposed to sign a confidentiality - anyway in the 70's almost no one sued anybody. When my husband was killed by medical negligence in 2007 - (the Coroner added Treatment as a cause of death - ) I did not sue. For me that would be obscene. I exposed and did a darn good job of it too.
Re the Law firms that are so magnanimous with their clients...because of our experience I know quite some who tried to sue...those lovely Lawyers took the majority of the settlement and won't name the firm here but it is a major one you would have heard of - their client lost her house even though she with Barry Hart a Chelmsford victim who is living in poverty because of his lawyers even though he won.
So please I do know what i am talking about..So no one has any reactions - please go to

and then


I could sit here all night and add to the list...

When I spiked my arm on a barbed wire fence on my farm, as there were cattle there I had a tetanus injection... but I will never have flu or other...I have not had flu for decades - take high levels of Vit C... and practice hygiene - my choice.

Anonymous said...

I will add to Middlechild's story. In 1989 when I went through the QLD POLICE ACADEMY AT OXLEY IN BRISBANE I was given a Hep B vaccine and that nearly killed me and then for 5 years after that I suffered Chronic Fatigue. I didn't sue because I was focussing on getting my health back. A significant number of police are affected but haven't made the connection. I met a Sergant at Boondall who did and told me that the Hep B vaccine nearly killed him. If vaccines cause death (and we know they do) how in hell can they do good to anyone else. Its like saying even though some people die from stab wounds they must be good because some don't die. Suggesting it can be good after killing some is totally flawed thinking. Vaccines / ingredients should never be exposed to the human body and the epidemic of Asthma, Escma and death are the results.

mokey said...

When I was a STUDENT STUDYING SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY BECAUSE CAPS MAKES IT SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT I had all 3 Hep B vaccinations, all of my 3 children have had their Hep B vaccinations, my 12 year old has just had Gardisil and we are so gosh darned healthy I almost can't stand it!! Why, Chris, my anecdotes are just as impressive as yours!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mokey, I am glad you and your children haven't had any signs of harm. I made issue with the use of that word 'Anecdotal' which was used to describe the witness statements of parents who saw first hand how their child's health deteriorated after vaccine and then died. Evidence provided to police is not descibed as Anecdotal. Why cast aspersions on their evidence by claiming it is 'unreliable' so flippantly. Parents with dead children deserve more respect than that. Can you list the ingredients of the Hep B vaccines off the top of your head?

Middle Child said...

Direct evidence - my son in law's uncle was in the navy - was vaccinated then the paperwork was misplaced so they vaccinated him again - he a healthy young man died that day - this was the 60's people did not well


MMR: A mother’s victory…Landmark ruling in an Italian court…(June 15, 2012—MAIL Online, UK)

Baby dies day after vaccination (May 11, 2012—DNA Daily News and Analysis, Mumbai, INDIA)

Rise in paralysis cases after polio vaccine (April 14, 2012—Deccan Chronicle, INDIA, the largest circulated English newspaper in South India)

Flu shots with side-effects on offer again [The Australian National Affairs, Feb. 16, 2012]

The article shows a photograph of “Perth mother Kirsten Button with her toddler Saba, who suffered brain damage after a Fluvax shot in 2010. Picture: Colin Murty Source: The Australian”


8 Stories Revealing U.S. Parents Getting Savvy About Vaccine Damage [, USA]

Note: USA media articles report parents refusing vaccinations, NOT vaccine damage.


H1N1 Vaccine Suspended in Australia [Independent Politicol News--online independent media news writers, April 23, 2010] This is not the regular U.S. press corps.


Sri Lankan student dies after vaccination [China View online, March 20, 2009]


The Poison Vaccine

Did U.S. citizens hear or read about Ronda Wilson being damaged by the Anthrax vaccine she received as a member of the U.S. Army? Her story was reported in November 2002 by the Times in the UK, not the USA! See and “The Poison Vaccine.”

Vaccine Lawyers

If there are no health problems with vaccines, why, then, are there professionals

practicing as “Vaccine Injury” lawyers. See

“Injured by a flu vaccine?’

[Vaccine injury must be big business if a law firm can make the following statement:]

Our firm is solely dedicated to representing those injured by vaccines.
Global Vaccine Injury Data Base

Vaccine injury info [a forum for reporting vaccine damage on a global basis]

Why isn’t the press telling us about that?

Medical Experimentation

Medical experimentation in Africa

Scott said...

While Middle Child is furiously posting away links and Chris is rattling off the same old anecdotes neither have been able to provide a scrap of credible evidence to support anything they claim. Plenty of it out there that suggests what they say is hogwash though.

Having worked in the major Children's Hospital for my state for 5 years Chris, I am yet to see a child whose parents claim their child was made seriously unwell by vaccination. Given 95% of children are vaccinated, I'd say that's a pretty impressive anecdote to equal yours.

Anonymous said...

So Scott please provide off the top of your head the contents of the MMR, HEP B and DPT vaccines. Thanks

Scott said...

I hardly see how that is relevant Chris. Can you provide off the top of your head a list of ingredients in a souffle? No? How can you be sure it is safe?

Anonymous said...

So you don't know or don't want to know? Which is it? It is relevant because you are injecting those substances into babies, children, teenagers and adults. So what are the ingredients of the vaccines you are injecting?

mokey said...

The ingredient list is readily available on the net, Chris,

It's no secret, and perfectly accessible by even the most sceptical conspiracy theorist, so
I'm surprised you with all your research needs to demand something like this.

Its just stupid to think that doctors should be able to quote every ingredient of every medication they prescribe - it shows such utter and contemptible ignorance of the scope and complexity of medicine and pharmacology.

Could you for example off the top of your head list the chemicals used in the extraction process of a "natural" supplement such as oh, for example reversatrol?

Considering China, known for its unscrupulous manufacturing processes is where most "natural" supplements are sourced from, I'd be more wary of putting those kind of things in my body than those thoroughly researched by mainstream medicine.

Scott said...

What monkey said. I have read it before. I know how to readily access that information and most importantly I know in the doses delivered it has repeatedly been proven to be safe.

Expecting me to rattle it off from the top of my head is ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

There is a need for doctors to be more inquiring about what they do before doing it and your admission of not being able to recall what the ingredients are means you are putting too much trust in the manufacturers of vaccines, in my opinion.

Scott said...

Well then it is a good thing I have no respect for your opinion on the matter. It is unqualifed, unfounded and completely irrational. I have inquired as to what is in them, I am satisfied that they have been proven safe. I have no more need to carry around in my head the exact make up of them then you do the make up of the vegemite you spread on your toast of a morning. I can look it up if need be. It takes 30 seconds. So far your argument has consisted of a couple of weak as water anecdotes, a link to some website cobbled together by some tin foil hat wearing loon, and some bizarre rationale that if I can't instantly recall the exact ingredients of of every medication I administer then I am a danger to society. Is that all you have got Chris?

Middle Child said...

Chris I agree. There are only so many vaccines and it would be prudent for the doc to understand what is in medication he or she puts into his patient. As well I would expect that such a professional would know the ingredients of the BP, Heart, Pain and other medication, because their could be some contraindication as each single person is an individual and should be treated as such. I am lucky as I have found a doc who researches when medicating with something he prescribes and he always gives me time to ask questions without getting stroppy.
The sign of a good GP is one who keeps the drug reps waiting not the patients.

Anonymous said...

Dr Scott's approach is the archtype of medical training that is to behave in a condacending disparaging manner towards anyone who challenges dogma. Eg Calls Coronial witness statements of parents of deceased babies - anecdotal and dismisses every other piece of evidence. No wonder people are losing faith in modern medicine.

Scott said...

Well there's a shock, Middle Child agrees with Chris. Both of you are living in fantasy land. I have to know about hundreds of medications and tens of thousands of medical conditions? We have people for the nitty gritty - they are called pharamcists and researchers in the area. Like I said, I've read whats in them, have an idea off hand what is in them but to expect me to rattle them off is completely and utterly ridiculous and indicates to any rational person how considerably far off having a coherent thought you are.

I'm sure a pilot at some point in their training has been taught the nitty gritty of how an aeroplane flies. Are they expected to be able just to rattle that off at the drop of their hat for the rest of their careers? No. They carry with them an idea about the concept of how it works, a knowledge of where to find more information if needed and most importantly the planes safety record, when it is safe to fly and when it is not. There are engineers for the rest.

Scott said...

No Chris, I am condescending towards people who have tried my patience and who clearly deserve it, namely paranoid, delusional imbeciles devoid of rational thought such as yourself.

Linda said...

Chris and Middle Child - there are so many medical conditions and even more medications - do you seriously expect that a doctor will know the finer points of every single thing? I know when I have visited various GPs they refer to their MIMMS when prescribing and they often refer to a medical data base to check symptoms when forming an opinion regarding a diagnosis. In my job, we used to be expected to know things off the top of our heads. These days we are encouraged to research the current rules and regulations to ensure that we are up to date. A doctor should be no different. Challenging a medical professional to name every ingredient in every vaccine says more about your stupidity than it does about his abilities.

Anonymous said...

I got a good laugh from your little explosion Scott. I haven't even come close to losing it. Here is another piece showing vaccines started off as bio weapons.

Anonymous said...

Oh Linda please don't call me stupid. I can't handle it. boo hoo.

Scott said...

Whatever Chris. You laugh about what you sya when so much of it is offensive. You clearly have deep seated problems. Hopefully you find the help you obviously require sometime in the near future.

Anonymous said...

MiddleChild and I saw too many injuries and dead babies after vaccines and because of this I need help? Doesn't make sense. I know its because what I believe is inconvenient to your beliefs! I shall not worship the god of vaccination.

Middle Child said...

So Scott because Chris doesn't agree with you he needs "help". That's pretty low. Nobody on earth holds the whole truth, A hundred years ago health care was in the Dark Ages - but in a hundred years from now they will look back on 2012 with just the same view.
An instance was with my husband who's doc continually pressured him to have a flu vaccination - my husband being a Quadriplegic could not cough effectively and in common with many Quads, did not have the vaccination because there was too much risk that he might get the does of flu many do after the injection - A slight flu for my husband could have killed him, his lungs were so fragile - so for us we lived out of town , took mega C and ate clean foods, drank clean tank rainwater. People like me don't come into this sort of thing lightly. I spent all my adult life caring for him and trying to do my best to keep him alive so the kids got to know their dad. The Spinal Unit warned him not to have the flu needles because they knew his limitations - but the GP just couldn't see it. As said every single human being is different and each have different strengths and weaknesses. A small baby who has had a cold or is lacking in good health will not handle vaccination as well as might a healthy child - and sometimes there is no reason that we can see why one child suffers and the other appears not to.
There is a book called "The White death" By a man called Cribb - and in it there is a quote from Jonas Salk not too long before he died. The original Polio injection was discovered to have been contaminated and was stopped in the US and then of course a couple of years later stopped here when we began to use the Sabin one (a pink syrup) Salk said "I think we may have given a whole generation Cancer" - That the Baby Boomers mainly -
Its not a case of who is better or worse right or wrong - its about using your brain and finding out. There is passion on both sides - I once believed passionately Vaccinations were good for me - my life, and experience has sadly taught me different.
I am done here now as this is raising too many ghosts.

Scott said...

No Middle Child, Chris needs help because he openly admits he finds humour in accusing people who have dedicated their lives to caring for children, of infantcide and a global cover-up.

Chris lost any right he had for respect from me the moment he accused me of killing babies for profit. That is pretty low.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again Dr Scott I found humour in your emotional explosions directed me. There is nothing funny about what vaccines do to brand new babies. Telling the truth does not remove my right to continue doing so. You said you have seen numerous shaken babies and I said this is because you are vaccinating. A reasonable person would seek to know why such things are said. No you didn't do that. You sledged and belittleded and denigrated and that is what made me laugh. The truth will set you free.

mokey said...

Poor Chris - he has clearly built this entire fantasy world of international conspiracy & he gets to play the hero, attempting to bring the "TRUTH" to the masses. It gives him self-worth and a means to operate in a world that he feels is completely against him.

He doesn't realize what a cliche he is, but I can summarise, as they are everywhere in the conspiratorial world of anti-vax/science/medicine/logic.

"I didn't know much about the subject, but then I did my own research online. I never took a class or even bothered asking a person who did. It was then that I discovered The Truth™. Someone is making money, just follow it. People in their basements with nothing more than an internet connection are right. And all of you here are idiots and jerks for not listening to me and agreeing with my rants even when I've offered you nothing in the way of substantial evidence, only manipulated anecdotes to twist reality to fit my preconceived ideas and mined quotes and talking points from the websites and dcreeds of like-minded antivax proponents. Idiots. Jerks. The whole of you. FREEDOM!"

That about covers it

Anonymous said...

Poor Mokey in reality. Worshipping the false god of vaccines. His blind faith is proven by giving his son the HPV vaccine which is supposedly for defence against the viruse said to cause Cervical Cancer. Only girls have them mate but I know the false god of vaccination told you to do it and you complied.

mokey said...

And your comprehension and awesome deduction skills, mr ex-policeman, clearly leave a lot to be desired, judging from your preconceived notion that my 12 year old is male.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected on the gender of your 12 year old, again I am glad she is ok after the HPV vaccine.

mokey said...

And, to be honest, in the spirit of transparency, you might want to re-think your assumption of my gender also.

Anonymous said...

There has been no assumption of your gender.

Anonymous said...

I just checked and I used 'his son'so yeah i have assumed your gender. Perhaps you could be transparent as I have been on my profile. Tends to keep the debate civil as well.

Middle Child said...

For God's sake we are all looking for health and a better way - attacking each other is ridiculous. It is human to question. It is a precious right. If the human race had not people to question nothing would have ever evolved nor changed. You folk believe as a religion that vaccination is a sacred ritual..I don't. In time to come we will realise who is right and who is wring. Each of us will do what we feel is right for out own family and that is always our right and freedom.

But I would give my eye teeth to know when I was a young mum at 20 what I later learned . Nobody ever told me the risks and they should have - I had the right to know both sides...

Anonymous said...

Well said Middle Child. Life is about learning and if we don't we stagnate. I am 50 in July and my recent photo of my profile shows my good health through pursuing organic farming and veges. Health is the only immunity. No boiled milk only raw milk and yoghurt. No sugar and therefore no need for anti-biotics. Never get sick anymore. Modern medicine has a place for road trauma etc.

Middle Child said...

Am a bit older Chris - but understand...
Clean water (?) Clean 00f, clean air
with all those inplace the battle is easier

Middle Child said...

Clean Air, Food and water was what I meant to type

Anonymous said...

Chris i have one question. If you had seen all these incidents with babies dying from vaccines why didnt you ever stand up and say anything? did you just sit back and let it happen?

Anonymous said...

I did stand up then by assisting the parents of dead babys bring that evidence to court. This led to at least two cases where the mother's were saved from prosecution by police who had not considered vaccines potential to harm. Other police I knew were too afraid to do this. Also when I saw parents charged with killing their babies with heavy reliance on medical evidence I approached the arresting officers and asked if they had considered the possibility of vaccines causing harm. In every case they had not. Now that I am no longer in the service I am free to speak my mind.

mokey said...
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mokey said...

Can't argue with your fine physical outdoors-y vigour there Chris, gardening is a fine way to spend your time.

Up to date on your tetanus booster are you? A tetanus booster is recommended at the age of 50 unless a booster has been documented within 10 years.

Tetanus toxin doesn't give a rats arse how healthy and organic and sugar-free you are. Effective protection against tetanus can be provided only by active immunisation.

Unknown said...

Mokey, the body is designed to fend off external pathogens and does so everyday. It is only when the body is not in equilibrium that it can not defend against such things as tetanus. Supporting the body so it can do what it is designed to do is the key to these diseases. One of the key elements is the food that you put in your mouth....its not a case of bad luck, you are again misinformed

Anonymous said...

I really cannot take you seriously after reading this

Its a shame that your ramblings are so tin foil hat its not even funny.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jackie, By immediately taking the position you have without doing anything to check or clarify or further investigate is evidence of a kneejerk response. Anyone who questions the medical dogma is immediately written off as some crank or nutcase or which fits with your words: 'ramblings are so tin foil hat'. I answered your previous post about what I did in response to these babies dying and I am guessing you were satisifed that I didn't 'sit back and let it happen'. Is that true? For the sake of transparency and restraint please provide some details on your profile. Thankyou

mokey said...

Yes, Raquel, there's that altie guilt thinking again - if you get sick you just weren't TRYING hard enough, or you didn't buy enough of my magic beans.

Spare me another cliche.

mokey said...

Chris, in the spirit of critical thinking, stop and think for a bit and tell me, as I am genuinely interested, what kind of evidence would you need to see to change your mind about your sids/vaccination belief?

Anonymous said...

No im not convinced that you stood up. You were in a position to have your beliefs heard. If these cases had occured why was there no media coverage about them? Im pretty sure that they would of been all over it!
Are Big Pharma paying off the media aswell Chris? Paying the Police too?

Anonymous said...

I glad you are genuinely interested and in the interest of critical thinking I would need to justify dismissing those parents who had provided objective witness evidence of their baby's deterioration and death. How do I get around that to arrive at the conclusion that vaccines didn't kill their baby's?

mokey said...

Have a look at this explanation of correlation v causation Chris, it might help you better understand why you can't assume that one event causes another.

Anonymous said...

Jackie, Anyone who reaches your standard of standing to have beliefs heard beyond what I did will at the least be called denigrated in the same manner you have tried ie Tin Foil hat blah blah. In the end the police did pursue me for putting a light on the issue of vaccines causing harm and death.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The parents of the dead baby's win by their honesty and the post mortem did not cast any doubt on the version of the matter. The video link by his own admission was a hard and fast supporter of vaccines. I have six children and not one was vaccinated and not one has Asthma or Epilepsy or Ecsma. All grown up and healthy like their parents without vaccines.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My children dont have Asthma or Epilepsy or Ecsma either and are fully vaccinated. Whats the point there?

Anonymous said...

Did you breast feed your children?

Anonymous said...

Nope, because i take warfarin everyday so once they were born i was back on it.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. Breast feeding does a great job of protecting the body from anything harmful that enters it, including the ingredients of vaccines.

mokey said...

Add me to the list - 3 fully vaccinated children with no Asthma, Epilepsy or Eczema.
What I have experienced, however is my unvaccinated husband contracting Rubella in his mid-20's -he was very, very ill for some weeks.

Yes, the human body is self-developing. Yes, the human body is self-repairing. And, yes, the human body is self-defending.

In most cases.

Then something like smallpox or cancer or a bullet shows up, writes down that "little secret" on a napkin, rolls it up, and shoves it up your arse.

Anonymous said...

Cancer viruses have been put into many vaccines. Your husband must be the only one on earth who hasn't been vaccinated. Especially unusual since he his married to you.

Anonymous said...

heres the info about cancer viruses being put into vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Here is the actual audio recording of the cancer virus in vaccines admission.

Middle Child said...

Wow Chris six kids - lucky you. What will they say about the admission by the Merk man? What d'ya reckon?

Anonymous said...

Here is a bit of peer reviewed stuff about vaccines being suspected of being linked to arthritis....

Anonymous said...

I reckon they will just dismiss like do with everything we have raised so far. It's like they are in a virtual jail of the mind.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing sledging will recommence anytime soon.

As we all know there are 3 stages of truth being revealed First it is ignored, then it is vehemently denied and finally it is accepted. This blog shows stage 2 is currently in process.

Middle Child said...

and this is when the name calling comes -

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

lol...maybe calling them out is the answer?

Anonymous said...

So where does it state that it's in the vaccines given to the human race, Chris?

Anonymous said...

Just watch the video and it says where the cancer contaminated vaccines went...

Like we can trust them?

Even the listed contents are diabolical like 800 microgams of Aluminium. That is a neurotoxin and known to have a 'causal connection' to Alzheimers.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a paper or actual proof that this was distributed "to millions of Americans", as per the scroll writing over the youtube video?

Anonymous said...

I doubt they would have gone to paper on this because what Dr. Maurice Hilleman says is pure diabolical evil and given the prevalence of cancer in children it needs further investigation. Maybe they are still doing it but not telling anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie,
There is more information at:

mokey said...

Chris, why would I dismiss your claims when I can debunk them.
Chris, do you even read past the tile of the articles you’re posting? Directly from the article you cited linking arthritis with vaccines:

“A clear causal relation was not proved in any of the cases, however a temporal one apparently exists”.

Did you take nothing from that very simple explanation of correlation not meaning causation I kindly posted for your benefit as a layperson? A temporal relationship simply means the two things happen at the same time. Not that one is caused by the other. Seriously, you cannot be trusted to critically think about these topics if you cannot recognise that concept. (Oh, and FYI that was not a peer reviewed journal article – it is a summary of similar articles on a website called, which has this as a disclaimer:

“The opinions, advice, information, and data on are for EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THEY ARE NOT MEDICAL ADVICE AND SHOULD NEVER BE TAKEN AS SUCH, AND THEY IN NO WAY REPRESENT THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. They have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), Health Canada or any other health regulatory agency.”)

The more you post, the more it becomes clear that you have no idea how little you know.

mokey said...

Regarding my husband’s rubella – there’s a simple explanation .

Rubella vaccination between 1971 and 1993 targeted adolescent schoolgirls only,
leaving contemporary males susceptible. My husband, born in the late 60’s was in that window of males (along with thousands of other cases in the mid 90’s) who were not part of the schedule of the time. They introduced in 1999 the MMR 18 to 30 year old campaign.

Check out the graph showing the number of cases of congenital rubella and in what year they peaked to get some idea of the fallout of a modern day rubella outbreak. Now that’s a true causation example for you.
Cuba was able to eliminate rubella and congenital rubella syndrome using two mass vaccination campaigns targeting women aged 18-30 years in 1985 and children aged 1-14 years in 1986. The last case of congenital rubella syndrome was reported in 1989, and the last rubella case in 1995. Finland reported elimination of indigenous measles and rubella in 2000.

Yet still irresponsible people like you have recklessly left their daughters open to contracting rubella, and their grandchildren congenital rubella syndrome.

For shame.

Anonymous said...

Rather than the alarmest spin I prefer to objectively anaylyse the article. Here is my interpretation.

The total cases in Australia over 10 years from 1993 to 2003 was 28 cases of Rubella. Average less than 3 per year.

And only 4 deaths over 10 years. So its extremely rare and the symtoms are mild for most people.

Of the 28 cases over 10 years 7 were vaccinated.

So wheres the protection? Oh so vaccines don't prevent the disease?

This is how it works. Doctors vaccinate millions for a disease that virtually doesn't exist it is so rare and for most of those who get it is mild symptoms which are gone after 3 days. For those who are vaccinated and still suffer Rubella are told by the doctor its not the same and it would have been a lot worse if you didn't vaccinate.

In the meantime of millions of vaccinated suffer from the 800 micrograms from 1 vaccine of Aluminium and viruses which linked to diseases like Chronic Fatigue Gillian Barre
Gulf War Sydrome,
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Epilepsy and Asthma etc

So I say shame on doctors for being alarmist and harming the population with experimental vaccines.

Middle Child said...

The British Medical journal admitted in 2011 that "that fraud claim against Dr. Andrew Wakefield has no basis in fact"

Too many people remember the bastardry against Dr Wakefield but sadly not enough people bothered to follow up to the final conclusion where the medical authorities admitted they got it very wrong.

mokey said...

@ Middle Child - Show me evidence that the BMJ admitted wrongdoing. That article you cited shows no such admission.

Show me the source of your 800mg of aluminium. because it is insanely inflated.

Babies, in the first 6 months of life actually could receive at most about 4 milligrams of aluminum from vaccines.

During the same period, babies will also receive about 10 milligrams of aluminum in breast milk, about 40 milligrams in infant formula, or about 120 milligrams in soy-based formula.

So to put this in perspective: a baby will get 2.5 times the amount of aluminum from breast milk, 10 times the aluminum from infant formula, and 30 times the aluminum from soy-based formula.

Because both breast milk and infant formula contain aluminum, all babies have small quantities of aluminum in their bloodstreams all the time. The amount is very small:
about 5 nanograms (billionths of a gram) per milliliter of blood (about one-fifth of a teaspoon). Indeed, the quantity of
aluminum in vaccines is so small that even after an injection
of vaccines, the amount of aluminum in a baby’s blood does
not detectably change.

This is too easy.

mokey said...

Jesus, you do have a comprehension problem Chris. The info I showed you was rubella congenital syndrome cases, NOT RUBELLA.
There were nearly 15,500 notifications of rubella 1993 - 1997

Doctors being alarmist? You owe me a new irony meter Chris.

Anonymous said...

I said 800 micrograms of Aluminium not milligrams.

The following PDF sent to me by Dr Scott shows: Aluminium hydroxide hydrated 500 micrograms and
Aluminium phosphate 320 micrograms.
Total 820 micrograms.

There is no insane inflation as you claim.

The study you sent me on rubella also shows one of the fatal cases of Rubella was actually a child noted as dying from SIDS.

This is further evidence confirming what I already know from the 20 years investigating sudden deaths including infant deaths and I know that parents were being truthful about their children's deterioration and death after vaccines.

Sometimes it is deemed Shaken
Baby Syndrome.

I personally saved some parents the travesty of justice by collecting the freely available exculpatory evidence before fraudulent medical opinions on SBS gained momentum.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mokey .... I responded to the study you sent me. Then you bring up a different study which I had not seen and then you have the temerity to say I have a comprehension problem. That is patently dishonest.

I will review the new information and respond in due course.

Anonymous said...

Mokey where did you get the figures on aluminium in breast milk, soy milk etc.

By the way Soy milk also contains 35 milligrams of phytoestrogen which will reek havoc on the Endocrine system.

Anonymous said...

Mokey you also make the fatal mistake of comparing injected amounts of aluminium to digested amounts of aluminium. The digestion system is far more capable of dealing with aluminium than when 820 micrograms enters IM for each vaccine bypassing the natural order.

mokey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yes Mokey you did quote from two different studies at the time you criticised me when I knew of and responded to only one.

Have already shown you the source of the 820 micrograms of Aluminium. Here it is again.

The term 'peddle' is used to denigrate. The websites I refer to are challenging medical dogma that is the only reason you classify as dishonest.

Anyone who challenges medical dogma must be shut down and covered up.

Now that you have my source of Aluminium in vaccines (twice)I look forward to yours.

mokey said...

My apologies, regarding micrograms.

Please cite the data that indicates 820micrograms of aluminium hydroxide/ aluminium phosphate is a harmful dose, keeping in mind that renal excretion removes 99% of the aluminum that enters the bloodstream. Vaccines are not injected into the bloodstream. They are injected into the cutaneous layer, and then at a leisurely rate they are absorbed by the lymph system. No spiking of any levels of anything.
This very recent assessment of aluminium excretion has concluded that
"...episodic exposures to vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvant continue to be extremely low risk to infants and that the benefits of using vaccines containing aluminum adjuvant outweigh any theoretical concerns."

And to the accusation of dishonesty, Chris, I merely pointed out your error in mis-interpreting 28 as being total number of cases of rubella, when it was in fact total cases of congenital rubella syndrome and then to highlight what I knew was a huge difference I went and searched for and posted for your information the right figures. Not dishonest at all.

Dishonesty is what is being peddled in most of those anti-vax websites you are falling for.

Anonymous said...

Mokey, I am not surprised that scientific articles are written to justify the inclusion of this Neurotoxin (Aluminium) and the prevalence of Alzheimers disease in our society is just one of the major problems not being studied by the same people paid by big pharma to write such nonsense stating that it's ok to inject heavy metals into brand new babies and anyone else.

Just this minute I was speaking to yet another mother who told me her baby also started screaming as soon as it was given the vaccine and two weeks it was dead. In an instant you write that off as 'anecdotal'. These are real people with real tragedys caused by vaccines but it doesn't matter because the dogma is sacred! Any doctor who identifies and publishes a link like WAKEFIELD is pilloried and destroyed. The greater the profile the greater the negative impact on that persons life. Dr Wakefield is a classic example of how big pharma deals with anyone challenging medical dogma.

mokey said...

Chris, as a scientist,I’m perfectly willing to believe these "challenging" alternative beliefs - just not on your say so or any of the evidence that’s out there so far.
I am also outspoken against the over-vaccination of children. Just as soon as there's any real evidence children are being overvaccinated, I'll be sure to speak out.

Not that I expect the same willingness from you to change your views when faced with contrary evidence – historically there’s not a lot I can do to convince a steadfast denier like yourself. I completely sympathise with how your thought processes are formed. I get that these facts threaten your fragile self-identity and world view. You are a carbon copy example out of the denialism manual:

Step 1: Doubt the science.
Step 2: Question scientists’ motives and interests.
Step 3: Magnify legitimate, normal disagreements among scientists and cite gadflies as authorities.
Step 4: Exaggerate potential harms (scare the hell out of people).
Step 5: Appeal to personal freedom (This is a democracy and no government official can tell me what vaccinations I need.)
Step 6: Show that accepting the science would represent a repudiation of a key philosophy.

As amusing as it has been, I realise, bombarding deniers like yourself with more evidence is a losing strategy. It doesn’t matter how many facts I throw at you, or how correct those facts are — you will find a way to dismiss them. You are simply filtering facts through your pre-existing belief system, and boy, that system exists way down the rabbit hole.

I'll bid you adieu as I clamber back over my great imaginary piles of Pharma cash to the real world - and wish you good health as you embark on your futile crusade to uncover 'The Truth" brave maverick Chris.

Middle Child said...

Mokey it happened he has is now a doctor again and able to practice

There was so much corruption involved in bringing him down all to no avail. he was struck off but he was vindicated and was reinstated. That is the fact.

mokey said...

Oh Middle Child read the article properly, it is NOT Wakefield who was reinstated at all!

mokey said...

Quick quiz: a person is arrested for driving 35 miles an hour in a school zone with a posted speed limit of 15 miles per hour. The person manages to convince a judge that the person riding in the passenger seat with them was the only one who saw the sign, and falsely reported that the sign said 35 miles was okay, and they (the driver) didn't know that 35 m.p.h. is too fast for a school zone. If the judge says "okay, I believe you; I'm wiping this from your record," does that mean no one did anything wrong? That everyone who drives 35 m.p.h. in a school zone has been proven innocent? That whoever reported the speeding to the police has just been "destroyed in court"? No. It's ridiculous.

The success of Walker-Smith's appeal does not prove that what Wakefield's team did was right or legal or honest, because Walker-Smith's appeal didn't argue any such thing. What Walker-Smith argued, and found a judge to agree with, is that he (Walker-Smith) didn't know the facts that made the team's actions deceptive and dishonest (such as Wakefield and Barr getting the Legal Aid Board to pay for medical procedures on the Lancet children, when they already knew that those medical procedures would be paid for by the NHS. That's called double-billing.) If anything, Walker-Smith's appeal makes things worse for Wakefield, since W-S's defense is in many instances that did the wrong thing because he relied on Wakefield and Wakefield didn't tell him what he should have.

Anonymous said...

Here are the facts. Your evidence is science based and relies on peer reviewed documentation.


My evidence which is my own personal experience of vaccine events and knowledge of experiences from numerous other people who have endured watching clear symptoms after administration of a vaccine and then watching but not realising death was imminent and then realising death.

I believe it is a consequence of your training that you can dismiss this as cherry picked and unreliable and denigrate myself for doing so.

My identity is not ego driven but is spiritually based.

I do not fit your denier' label which is simply another attempt to denigrate.

I also don't see you as climbing over cash from big pharma. The biggest issue that you don't realise is that your 6 years of intense medical training has instilled the Gospel according to big Pharma that business depends on the training they give which has made you what you are today.

Nutrition and pure food are so minimised or not mentioned at all in the medical science degree medicine.

Middle Child said...

Being the Middle child I am always readyy to admit when I have made an error, something we all should be happy to sure beats covering things up.
Wakefield has been vindicated - and is fighting back still because he has truth on his side if not the money of those against him.

sara-c said...

On of the main differences between scientific proof and legal proof is the weight given to personal testimony.

In a court of law, I'm sure a 'witness statement' would be considered important evidence. When looking at causation, however, not so much.

It is something of a cliche, but no less relevant because of that, "the easiest person to fool is yourself".

Remembering is a creative process and we are beings who have evolved to look for patterns.

"Effort after meaning" is the jargon, but in simpler terms, when unexpected/unexplained things happen, we search for a reason. Because feeling that you understand why something occurred is far more comfortable than accepting it was just chance.

This is why scientists make so much of an effort to remove (or control for) all these confounding factors and don't just rely on what observers think they saw.


Much as "mokey" has already suggested, I don't expect this will in any way alter commentator's deeply held beliefs.

Still loving Becky's work though ;-)

Anonymous said...

Chris i only have one problem with your experience. If these cases are really true why was there not one bit of media coverage over them? I mean a parent going to court for a death of a child and winning the case or even getting charged with it and no one shred of reports at all about any of them its kind of hard to believe you.

Im open to hear what you believe but without evidence its hearsay.

Middle Child said...

not such a wild idea is it now?

Anonymous said...

Dear Jackie, I can resolve your one problem with the facts of the cases that I dealt with. Every time I was first response officer I approached with an objective mind but also a compassionate investigative style. This method put the parents at ease and they opened up and told me what had transpired with regards their deceased baby. I put this testimony on a witness statement and they signed and the death certificate would then describe cause as SIDS and no further action would be taken. Under these circumstances there is no media coverage.

The ones most at risk of being charged with manslaughter are parents who find their deceased baby in the cot and pick them up and try to wake them by shaking. As soon as police hear this alarm bells start ringing when they shouldn't because the baby was dead but they are already conditioned by media publicity over Shaken Baby Syndrome. Or if the Ambulance officers handle the baby roughly and the marks left are blamed on the parents to allege violence and the media sensationalise these sort of allegations. This happens because police case lacks evidence and they do everything they can to try and prove it was the parent doing.

Police will then try to allege the father or mother has shaken the baby when it was alive and show swelling of the Cerebral Cortex from the Post Mortem to substantiate the allegation. Very few barristers understand the issue of Vaccine damage in Australia as they do in the USA and very few doctors will give evidence on behalf of the parents. Media publicity over such a case will often be sensationalist and confusing. I hope this satisfies your curiosity.

Anonymous said...

Here is some information to help you all.

Chris said...

Well, Chris Savage, that's a stinker!

Sulfur? Mercola? Seriously?

Chris said...

Oh, and it Mercola interviewing yet another computer scientist and/or engineer doing biology and medicine. It looks like she can get away with it because she has tenure. Really, guys, look at the credentials.

Katie said...

Thanks Becky. You are totally brilliant!!! We all know how dangerous Meryl Dorey is - but thanks for mentioning Greg Beattie - one of the most disingenuous, arrogant, weaselly-worded people I've ever had the misfortune of encountering online.

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie, Did you know that vaccines contain 830 micrograms of Aluminium? So 12 vaccines up the 5 years will give children just under 10mls of Aluminium. No wonder there a rise in Alzheimer and Parkinson rates.

Middle Child said...

Katie - what way is Meryl dangerous. Please state exactly where she is untruthful...not just generalisations but exactly some statistic which she has lied about would do. This woman was hauled to court by the infamous Health care Complaints Commission - HCCC who's past head once signed a piece of paper reccommending that "we do not investigate Chelmsford" (look up Chelmsford if unknown -so many deaths and abuse including kidnapping and forcibly restraining people many of who died - I had dealings with the HCCC when they even went against the NSW Coroner re my husband's death - they failed to stop the Butcher of Bega - this bag of criminals hauled Meryl into court and guess what with all the powers behind then her truths won out - If anyone is dangerous it is the HCCC - have a good close look at this top heavy body of bought and paid for so called "advocates" and then still call Meryl dangerous. From the Medical Error Action Group's site - Carmen Lawrence stated in mid 90's that over 18,000 people in Australia died as a result of medical error annually. Figures are much higher these days. For each of those people killed there about about 300,000 severely injured and the bulk of this is covered up. I call that dangerous but the HCCC and those bodies supposedly protecting the Australian people turn a blind eye unless action bought by individuals who often end up broke fighting the powers, forces the authorities to act -and when they do against medical error and negligence it is unwillingly...Type in Graham Reeves the Butcher of Bega and tell me who is the dangerous one?

Middle Child said...

No comment about this earlier link? Hm.

Middle Child said...

Thought I had better get in before it was "smartly" commented on that I had mad a typo by deleting a short phrase...the last part of my post should read...

"For each of those people killed there families who are affected such as our own - about about 300,000 severely injured and the bulk of this is covered up. I call that dangerous but the HCCC and those bodies supposedly protecting the Australian people turn a blind eye unless action bought by individuals who often end up broke fighting the powers, forces the authorities to act -and when they do against medical error and negligence it is unwillingly...Type in Graham Reeves the Butcher of Bega and tell me who is the dangerous one? "

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would like to add Doctors who vaccinate are dangerous, because each vaccine has substances that are neurotoxic. My own mother was dehydrated to death in Nambour Hospital. To say that Meryl is dangerous is bizarre. Like Middle Child I would like some specifics without insults, denigration or personal attacks such as those directed at Greg Beattie.

Anonymous said...

I have spoken to several mothers who have told the tragic tale of their babies who were healthy prior to vaccines and then deteriorated and died after.
No I have not cherry picked or using unreliable examples. This is what the investigation outcome and it was covered up by declaring it to be another SIDS case.

mokey said...

Middle Child - You bleat triumphantly about this court verdict yet reject the Andrew Wakefield verdict? Some verdicts more equal than others? Only valid if it agrees with your anti-vax stance?

Anonymous said...

The only reason they pursued and pilloried Dr Wakefield was because his discovery threatened the billions that that vaccine manufacturers make and also what the drug companies make from treating the results of vaccines which include Asthma, Epilepsy, CFS, Gulf War Sydrome, Influenza, Gillian Barre Syndrome, Polio, Brain Inflamation, childhood cancer and death which is disguised as SIDS. Merck also promoted Vioxx via doctors and that caused nearly 60,000 deaths. Now why should be trust on face value with questioning after so many deaths?

Anonymous said...

Last sentence should read....without questioning...

Middle Child said...

"Bleat" ha! We had sheep and I never remember them bleating - its a good word and one I haven't heard for years. I don't know why this makes me laugh but it does... because i am anything but the bleating type - nothing bleaty about me... "I say"...or "I claim"...or "I write" would be a civilised way to put it...George Orwell's 1984 would be proud of your
it ain't over till the fat lady sings - and the Wakefield issue is far from over - just be patient

mokey said...

Thought so.

mokey said...

Could you show the rest of the class your working out for that Aluminium figure of 10mLs over 5 years, Chris?

Anonymous said...

In the first 4 years the Australian vaccine schedule found at recommends the following 27 vaccines containing 830 micrograms each making the total injected Aluminium of 22.41 milliliters.

At Birth 1 vaccine
Hep B

At 2 months 5 vaccines...
Rotovirus, Tetanus, HIB, Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Hep B, Pneumoccal

At 4 months 5 vaccines...
Rotavirus, Tetanus, HIB, Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Hep B, Pneumoccal

At 6 months 5 vaccines....
Rotavirus, Tetanus, HIB, Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Hep B, Pneumoccal

At 12 months 5 vaccines....
Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hep A Pneumoccal, , HIB, Meningococcal Disease

At 18 months 2 vaccines...
Chicken Pox, Hep A

At 4 years 4 vaccines. ...
Measles, Rubella, Mumps, Tetanus, Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough and Pneumococcal Disease.

Who is dangerous Doctors or Meryl Dorey who warns about this criminal conduct with harm to children meeting the definintion of GBH and or Manslaughter under the Criminal Code.

mokey said...

With the actual figures - you know - 800 micrograms times 5 years etc etc. I want to see exactly how you reached a total of 10 mLs.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was 12 vaccines up to 5 years but I under estimated the amount of Aluminium. Instead of 10mls it actually 22.41 mls after 4 not 5 years.

Brpwrdnsfrnzy said...

Meryl Dorey's lies? OK - have a read of this:
and this:
and this:

Meryl Dorey's lies, painstakingly detailed and referenced, in many cases with original documentation.

Anonymous said...

Who is Brpwrdnsfrnzy?

He is another blogger without the necessary transparency- his profile has no details of his identity. I read the PDF's and throughout find denigration, insults and highly misleading information. AVN won the court case because the case against her was seriously flawed.

mokey said...

Show me the maths, Chris. You so ardently believe this, surely you want to substantiate your figures regarding the levels of aluminium.

Brpwrdnsfrnzy said...

Really Chris? In sixteen minutes you read three hundred pages of pdf? I'm beginning to think you may be having difficulties with the truth too.

Anonymous said...

27 vaccines up to age 4 containing 830micrograms Aluminium = 22.41mls

Anonymous said...

Not the first time I have seen those documents.

Brpwrdnsfrnzy said...

OK. So in that case, would you like to point out *specific* inaccuracies? Not just vague accusations?

Anonymous said...

I have better things to do with my time than go through the pdfs apparently authored by Ken McLeods. The court case was won by Meryl Dorey and that's that.

Brpwrdnsfrnzy said...

Ah, I see. You can't find anything wrong with them, so, like a petulant child, you're just going to run away, shouting "shan't!".

I think my point is proved. Point, game, set, match, championship and Grand Slam.

Anonymous said...

Yeah mate think whatever you like and make it your reality.

Brpwrdnsfrnzy said...

*watches Chris Savage run away with his fingers in his ears singing "la la la, I'm not listening" while everyone else points and laughs*

Brpwrdnsfrnzy said...

Sorry - typo there. I meant "run away crying".

Anonymous said...

Mate after 20 years arresting the flotsum and jetsum of society I know what you are and I don't care about your purile drivel.

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