Tuesday, 26 August 2008

It's not just vaccines

Some of the more excitable posters at JABS aren't just worried about MMR, or even about vaccines generally. Oh no. Anything else goes. Politicians. Water fluoridation (or, more often than not, 'flouride'). EMF. Or, if you're lucky, all three. From "aobbard" - who has quite a thing for fluoride...

It is all very scary that these people have so much control over our lives. Not much different to the Mddle Ages excepet the death is just more subtle and lingering.
What I don't understnd is, that these things affect their own families. A certain MP has an autistic child and yet he claims never to have heard of EMR (electromagnetic radiation) and is in favour of water fluoridation. Both are linked to autism/adhd.
Is it just plain ignorance or something more sinister?

I'd suggest "paranoia".


Unknown said...

aobbard appears to be some kind of hypochondriac and Jabs is her support group. Maybe it keeps her from hectoring her GP.

I like comparing the present time to the Middle Ages. Yes, its exactly the same. Except for well...just about everything.

Anonymous said...

"A certain MP has an autistic child and yet he claims never to have heard of EMR (electromagnetic radiation) and is in favour of water fluoridation. Both are linked to autism/adhd. Is it just plain ignorance or something more sinister?"

WTF? aobbard thinks that an MP with an autistic child is part of the conspiracy that is making our babies autistic? I don't think an awful lot of thought went into that comment!

Cybertiger said...

"I like comparing the present time to the Middle Ages. Yes, its exactly the same. Except for well...just about everything."

Except for the grossness of Becky's tits and those other middle-aged nonentitties like millipeed and jdc253

superburger said...

"titter ye not, cybertigger" as the late Frankie Howerd might have said.

Cybertiger said...

"titter ye not, cybertigger"

I'll titter if I want to, superMac ...