Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Suba's being a twat again

Proof that anti-vaxxers really are slowly slipping off the fringes of reality, Suba is now trying to tell parents who've been scared by the MMR hoax that everything wrong with the body is down to it being too acidic. Does it need saying that this is just utter, utter bollocks?

We were all taught in human biology that immunity comes from white blood cells protecting us from some invading germ or virus. White blood cells provide NO immunity. White blood cells do not destroy germs. White blood cells are glorified janitors that swim around in our blood and lymphatic plasma picking up the garbage we create from an acidic lifestyle and diet. White blood cells are NOT soldiers, destroying some invading germ coming in from the outside world that would make us sick. True immunity comes to each of us by maintaining the alkaline fluids of the body. That is where true immunity is found. The first line of defense against sickness and disease is an alkaline internal environment. As soon as you put something acidic into your mind, into your mouth, into your lungs, your alkaline buffering system is engaged to neutralizing or buffer any acidic food, drink, or thought that might be present. That's true immunity. It is found in the alkaline reserves for your body. When you have an alkaline lifestyle and diet you are able to defend off environmental, dietary or metabolic acids that would make you sick, tired and/or fat. Germs DO NOT cause disease. Acids cause pain, sickness and disease.

So, all modern medicine is wrong, and this fucking wingnut is the saviour of humankind? I think not. Mind you, that's par for the course at JABS.


John H said...

As soon as you put something acidic in your lungs you are probably dead (I was thinking of mustard gas or hydrofluoric acid).

How do you have ""acidic . . . . thoughts"" (at least in the sense he means it - his seem pretty caustic [although that can be alkaline as well I suppose]).

Give this person a Nobel for re-writing modern medicine.

Anonymous said...

As you have correctly spotted, this is utter shite (I'm using the term scientifically).

The "You must alkalinize your precious bodily fluids" line is an old and tired Canard of the Alt.Reality crew. I've written about this here, but it has been debunked endlessly. To no-one's great surprise, the kind of nutters who are found on the JABS site don't seem to have heard. Funny that.

PS talk of acidic bodily fluids always reminds me of General Jack D Ripper in Dr Strangelove.