It's been remarked elsewhere that JABS / anti-vaccination is like a religion; if this is the case, its high priest is a really unpleasant man by the name of John Stone. If you've ever seen any articles on The Guardian's "Comment is Free", the BMJ website or the BBC website you'll have seen his beligerent, hectoring, and frequently science-free comments. His favoured arguing style is to ignore anything that's said, and then to continually bring up more and more irrelevent points until everyone else gets bored and stops posting. The next time he crops up, he then accuses whoever he was arguing with of "running away from the argument".
Having said all that, his posts are usually fairly lucid (if wrong, ill-informed or just plain nasty) - but I've read through this one seven or eight times, and still can make neither head nor tail of it. It's rather long, so I've shrunk the text down.
I only speak for myself but you are not entitled to elide concern about vaccine damage with fantasies about lizards dominating the world. Unfortunately, the US government does and that is bad enough. There are, of course, important vestiges of democracy and accountability left in the US but it is not happy place, and the present CDC and FDA are not properly run institutions. Actually, there is also a history of dotty and perhaps not so dotty secret societies, the American revolution was founded on Masonic Lodges: this is not controversial stuff in itself. Could the society that gave you the Iraq war give this - you bet. I, of course, do not agree with many things "John" says, and I would point out that many of his heroes probably count as "allopaths". Still, this is not my battle and I suggest that you are trying to muddy the waters: the science does not stand up on its own terms - this is my message, and I believe, the message of those who run JABS. Because of profit and laziness, followed by cover up, the fundamental safety of vaccinology has been compromised and ordinary people bear the terrible cost. Error is componded. To perpetuate all this without trying to sort it out does humanity no service.
I think he really does have a messiah complex.