Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Mad, bad, and dangerous to know II

One thing that disgusts me about the JABS loons is that a lot of them are so proud about not vaccinating their children, thus endangering others. Lola even comes out and admits this:

I have chosen not to give my baby son any vax's, please remember that when you talk about outbreaks & responsibility for the "herd" my child is in the front of the queue.

Oh, they're such caring individuals, aren't they?


Anonymous said...

You can often find comments on JABS to the effect that children who are in good health and properly nourished are not harmed by measles and therefore their children shouldn’t have to be jabbed in order to maintain herd immunity. Basically what they are saying is that they would rather their child avoid the jab in order to protect them from the risk of a reaction to a vaccine (a non-existent risk in the case of the MMR jab and autism) and have other people’s children die due to the complications of a preventable disease than vaccinate their child (which would almost certainly be a safe course of action) in order to protect them and others from serious diseases. Their assertion is probably untrue. Their actions are not just mistaken, though –they are also incredibly selfish. “I don’t care if your child has a compromised immune system and may go blind or die – my Timmy is not getting the jab because I personally (contrary to all the evidence) have decided that the jab is more dangerous than the disease”. [The implication is actually that some children are less deserving of life than others]

Even if they were correct in their assertion that ‘healthy children don’t suffer that badly when infected with measles’, they would still be avoiding a non-existent risk of an MMR jab triggering autism and thereby exposing their children and other people’s children to the real, actual, quantifiable risks of measles, mumps and rubella. One of the dangers of measles is that it may lead to autism. Anti-vaccination? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

What I love about this blog is that after thinking about serious issues such as blindness, death and autism and posting my thoughts, I will almost certainly see a response at some point from the well-known HIV/AIDS denialist and conspiracy theorist Cybertiger along the lines of "Oh tits, jdc135 is a knob. Hahaha, look at my cock everyone. I wonder if Rosie would like my Tongue in Cider? Hahahaha. Boobies"

Cybertiger said...

Twititty Becky said,

"One thing that disgusts me about the JABS loons is ... not vaccinating their children, thus endangering others"

Methinks Ms. Becky Whipflash has the herding instinct of even the most thoughtless Stasi agent.

PS. And even the banner headlines are becoming repetitive - haven't we done the 'mad, the bad and the dangerous to know' looniness? Shows a definite lack of imagination.

Cybertiger said...

"Oh tits, jdc135 is a knob."

You took the words right out of my mouth. Twit!

Cybertiger said...

"I wonder if Rosie would like my Tongue in Cider? Hahahaha. Boobies"

Ugh, you really are a weirdo, jcd523!

PhD scientist said...

Did TittyKitty really just describe someone else as "weird"?

Pot...kettle... you get the idea.

Becky said...

And even the banner headlines are becoming repetitive - haven't we done the 'mad, the bad and the dangerous to know'

Damn. Yes, we have. So it's now M, B & DTK II - Revenge of the Killer Idiots.

strummer said...

"...haven't we done the 'mad, the bad and the dangerous to know' looniness?"

No shit Sherlock! Did the 'II' give it away?

Becky said...

To be fair, I hadn't noticed, and edited it... :-)

strummer said...

Ooops! Do I have to apologise to him now? Please don't make me do it, pleeease!!

Becky said...

No. Because he's a cock.