This is an all time classic, courtesy of Gus The Fuss.
Were in the process of making a wooden box and covering it with baco foil two layers required for our son G and anyone to sit in to detox mercury heavy metals etc
Seriously tho; doesnt Gus realise that BACOFOIL is teh problem ? It leaches into the christmas turkey which he then feeds to da kidz ! He is just a shill for Big Groca !
[cybertiger]hhhnnnn ! gurrrk ! beccys tits ! UUrguurguurgurgurrghh! wab wab ! boobs ! [/cybertiger]
thought we might as well get it out of teh way.
Seriously tho; doesnt Gus realise that BACOFOIL is teh problem ? It leaches into the christmas turkey which he then feeds to da kidz ! He is just a shill for Big Groca !
"gurrrk ! beccys tits ! UUrguurguurgurgurrghh! wab wab ! boobs !"
It's very early in the day but I see Becky has already got her tits out.
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