Friday, 26 September 2008

You are what you drink…

…and Cybertiger's a bitter man. Not content with the huge salary he earns as a GP, and more than likely four days a week on the golf course after making vast sums of loot pressing pensioners to have 'flu jabs, he's still deeply jealous that there might be more money out there. Money that will go to someone else other than him. In fact, because he can't actually come up with a scientific reason why the HPV jab is a bad idea, or any research showing it to be a bad idea, or even much in the way of "reputable" anecdote, he's falling on one of the last refuges of the wilfully incompetent - "it's bad because it might make money" - and then trying to dress it up as "science". He's a vile, self-serving, lying cockend, looking for approval from the other deluded morons on that site in order to pump up his ego and fawn over his own personal agenda. He's possibly the worst of the bunch. (Argue against that and stay fashionable.)

The only certain fact, medical or otherwise, visible to any scientist or doctor looking deeply into the scientific crystal ball of HPV vaccinatory science ... is that the HPV vaccine is going to bring riches beyond anyones filthiest imagination ... to its cunning, devious and entrepreneurial manufacturers.


Cybertiger said...

Oh Becky, you are a silly titty.

Unknown said...

Jabs is perfect for Dr. Kitty.

He can act like a twelve year old and still appear more intelligent than the average Jabberwock.

Cybertiger said...

Oh Willipeed, you do talk a silly load of bollocks!

Unknown said...

I try but it would be hard to outdo you, Dr.Kitty.

puzzlebobble said...

I honestly don't think he's a GP. I know GPs might occasionally be nuts but I can't see how he would have made it through medical school with an intelligence level that low.