Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Antibiotic-resistant bugs

Several posters on JABS are worried (and quite reasonably so) about MRSA and other antibiotic resistant nasties. Obviously, they blame it on the big pharmaceutical companies, and doctors, for their over-eagerness to prescribe antibiotics. However, it's not going to help that you have morons like jennyr around:

I had the most horrible cold recently which ended up being a potentially nasty chest infection. I think it was because I had been working with nursery aged children who had recently been jabbed. I have never had such a bad illness before. As I was worried about a serious secondary infection such as pneumonia or bronchitis, I put myself on antibiotics (get them abroad) because I KNEW that the local GP practice would send me away saying it was 'just' a viral infection

For some reason I wasn't massively surprised when no-one pointed this out to her.


Cybertiger said...

I've always been convinced that jennyr was considerably more intelligent than you.

T. Laurel Sulfate said...

So. Not only do such people want to ruin herd immunity for everyone by not having their kids vaccinated, they want to ruin antibiotics for everyone by helping create resistant strains of diseases. Great.

Many doctors have been trained by patients like this to Rx antibiotics when they're not indicated because "people want to leave the office with a prescription." I never accept an antibiotic script until my doctor has done a white count.

Because, although I'm about as self-serving as the average person, I can sometimes consider the well-being of others.

Cybertiger said...

"I never accept an antibiotic script until my doctor has done a white count."

Oh Lord, not another heartsink come to join Becky's happy band of tits and tossers.

Becky said...

So Cybertiger, as a GP - do you then agree with jennyr that non-medically qualified people should simply order and take generic antibiotics from wherever they fancy, just because they feel ill?

Anything other than an absolute condemnation of this practice will, obviously, be seen as condoning the practice.

Cybertiger said...

Oh God, you really are a tedious tit!

"Anything other than an absolute condemnation of this practice will, obviously, be seen as condoning the practice."

You're a tit: does anyone care what you think?

Becky said...

No - I'm sure they don't. You, as a GP on the other hand have a duty of care. Your approval of patients purchasing their own unprescribed antibiotics from Europe is highly unprofessional.

T. Laurel Sulfate said...

Breast-fetish tiger is a doctor?

Nice bedside manner there, doc. Do you treat your patients with the respect you show to bloggers?

Cybertiger said...

No one cares but you - you prissy, prim and nauseating little tosspot. Get a life! And as for petty pixie ... go dunk yourself in the Mississipi.

Becky said...

So he claims, yes. Here he is:


Dr Mark Struthers.

John The Geophysicist said...

The good doctor does seem to have a remarkable fixation on breasts, sodomy and masturbation.

Apart from his somewhat unhealthy carnal interests and banal childish put-downs I assume he is not really in favour of self-diagnosis and prescription - especially with knock-off antibiotics purchased on the internet (which if Viagra is anything to go on are probably about 50% fake).

Viagra - ooh err Matron.

Cybertiger said...

"The good doctor does seem to have a remarkable fixation on breasts, sodomy and masturbation."

I must admit that Becky brings out the worst in me - you know she's up for getting her tits out in the pub. I know you're into links but I really can't be bothered to find the evidence again on the 'bad science' website - it's a hoot though - you could've larfed your nickers off at work.

John The Geophysicist said...


So presumably Becky is known to you - outside of this blog.

Either that or she is remarkably revealing in her posts (and indeed in the pub by the sound of it).

The fact that she seems to know you are a doctor would also indicate this as it is not mentioned on your profile.

If you are a doctor then why not contribute your medical knowledge and experience to the conversation.

Just calling people saggy chested, tits,tossers etc seems to be a bit of a waste of bandwidth.

When you say "Bad Science" website I assume you mean Ben Goldacres site. Are you a fan of his (as most medicos seem to be)because if so I find your contributions to this site pretty unhelpful.

You just launch into personal invective and do not address the issues raised here like whether people should self-diagnose, should buy internet pharmaceuticals or should deny their kids epipens or vaccinations.

If you are an MB then you must surely have concerns about the rising tide of quackery, pseudoscience, mumbo-jumbo and plain lunacy this country seems privy to.

Presumably you and your colleagues get to pick up some of the pieces
when the quantum based bio-energetic tachyon infused sugar pill fails to deliver the goods.

Becky said...


The good doctor and I had a few run-ins at JABS, mainly due to me pointing out that just about everything he was posting was either stupid, racist, homophobic, wrong, pointless, crass or all six. For some reason he took issue with that. Oh, and he has a record of AIDS denialism too.

Cybertiger said...

Dear John

"If you are an MB then you must surely have concerns about the rising tide of quackery, pseudoscience, mumbo-jumbo and plain lunacy this country seems privy to."

Yes, I do have concerns about Professor Sir Wroy Meadow and folk of his ilk. And remember that this quack remains a registered medical practitioner. If you're not scared then you have not been paying attention - or are just plain stupid - like Becky.

John The Geophysicist said...

I feel as if I have somehow intruded on a marital tiff and do not fully understand the nature of the spat.

CyberTiger - I thought Roy Meadows was struck off by the GMC. How can he still be a practicing medico.

Based on what I know of that particular case I would say he was a special sort of quack - one who perhaps misguidedly used science/medicine to progress his own agenda.

You almost managed to write a lucid comment in that last post. And then you revert to form and call me stupid. You don't seem to be able to let it go do you.

As far as stupidity goes I am more than happy to swap academic credentials with the likes of you.

I use sites like this one, badscience, DCs site, the quackometer etc because my area of expertise is in the earth sciences.

I need to rely on medically trained people (like Ben Goldacre, David Colquhoun etc) to cut to the chase on quackeries like homeopathy, herbalism, MMR/autism and the entire panoply of mumbo-jumbos blah blah blah.

I find their contributions to the various debates extremely useful.

I find yours extremely banal and pointless, when in fact they should (or could) be useful based on your medical training and experience.

I guess Becky must have stung you in the past.

As my old granny used to say "if you cannot make a valid and legitimate contribution to a debate keep your mouth shut". Or something like that.

Unknown said...


Its a long running internet spat.

Dr. Struthers/Cyber tigger has an obsession with Roy Meadow, who was reinstated by the GMC. He figures that the whole medical establishment is corrupt, so youmust ignore anything that comes out of it. Therefore alt-med lunacy is perfectly acceptable. Or so it would seem.

As you no doubt have noticed, he has the emotional maturity of a twelve year old and loves nothing better than to make off colour comments.

I suspect it is a kind of therapy for him, sober, serious conventional GP at work and raving lunatic in his spare time.

Cybertiger said...

A clownish creepy crawly critter said,

"Dr. Struthers/Cyber tigger has an obsession with Roy Meadow, who was reinstated by the GMC."

Professor Sir Wroy was restored to the register by a very stupid judge, one lord Justice Collins. I expect the judge was heavily weighted with academic credential.

John The Geophysicist said...

Thank you my many legged friend.

I had assumed there was some history here.

An impartial observer would award Becky a knock-out win when it comes to being rational.

He reminds me of a naughty schoolboy running around the playground shouting "poo, bum, willy, tit, wank".

Apart from that it seems difficult to work out whay he does believe in and if he is as racist, homophobic and dim as Becky suggests I really cannot be bothered to find out.

Cybertiger said...

"An impartial observer would award Becky a knock-out win when it comes to being rational."

You have to larf at little johnny - but then he's partial to a bit of tit. LOL.