Friday, 3 October 2008

It's a bumper day for stupidity!

"Seonaid" has posted this rather splendid piece of crap - it may be a quote from some other cretin, but hey, as they're so fond of saying, "if an idiot claims the sun rises in the morning, is he an idiot for saying it"?

I read your excellent article about Dr Moulden's work. He is right that vaccines cause microvascular strokes, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. They cause all allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancer, non-traumatic seizures, genetic defects, etc.

I should point out that there are well understood mechanisms for many of these - and none of them involve vaccines.

Is there a full moon today or something?


strummer said...

So, those people who are documented as dying of cancer long before there were any vaccinations. People who had seizures long before there were vaccinations. What was going on?

Probably the evil lizard-pharma-overlords have re-written the history books. And the media are colluding. Apart from Woodward and Bernstein at the Brighton Evening Chip-paper.

Cybertiger said...

another stupid prat! becky and strummpet make a great team.

Becky said...

So, Cybertiger. Again - are you claiming that the quoted post from JABS is true? You - a doctor an' all?

You are, aren't you?

You evil cunt.

strummer said...

Fancy actually refuting anything we've said Cybertiger rather than just calling people names? You can't can you?

Cybertiger said...

Fancy actually refuting anything I've said strummpet rather than just calling people names?

"You evil cunt."

Becky said...

But at least I have a point to make. You're just an evil cunt.

strummer said...

"Fancy actually refuting anything I've said strummpet rather than just calling people names?"

Yes actually. Put some points up for a change and I/we will knock them down with evidence and logic. Mind you, you will probably bait and switch in which case we will point that out.

If you are really brave, start posting your arguments at Bad Science or write something for a peer reviewed journal. Go on, I dare you!

Unknown said...

There is no point in trying to engage Dr. Tigger in any kind of exchange except the exchange of insults.

He obviously finds childish insults extremely satisfying and any kind of discussion boring.

Cybertiger said...

"He obviously finds childish insults extremely satisfying and any kind of discussion boring."

Ho, ho, ho ... you can't make this guff up ... "You evil cunt."

strummer said...

Still not putting an argument forward are you Tigger?

Cybertiger said...

"Still not putting an argument forward are you Tigger?"

You really can't be serious ... you evil strummpet!

Unknown said...

Dr. Tigger considers himself to be so intellectually superior, that there is no point in actually discussing things with mere mortals.

Jabs gives him adulation without criticism and the chance to make smarmy insults.

What more could a twelve year old boy want?

Cybertiger said...

It's hard not feel superior next to you, little pweed!

Unknown said...

Case in point.